
Myth Busters in Automation Nation

Almost two decades into the application of speech analytics to illuminate and automate the world of QA, confusion persists and the noise gets louder.  Is automated quality about AI or analytics?  Is it about sampling or scoring? Is it “all or nothing”–you either use it or you don’t, and when you do, you throw away everything about your current program? Is it for chat and email or just calls? In this session, industry veteran and long-time interaction analytics and automated QA dweller will do some myth-busting, to shine some light on how it works in the real world.

You will learn:

  • The three primary models you’ll find out there, and variations on the themes.  How they work, how to tell them apart
  • What questions to ask, and what pitfalls to avoid
  • Practical examples of how people are evolving the PRACTICE of quality to incorporate the technology in the real world (multi-vendor examples)
  • How to start anywhere, with what you have today, and keep the things you love about your current program while layering in automation to give you superpowers where you don’t have them today

Your Host:

Myth Busters in Automation Nation

Siobhan Miller

VP, Product Management

Siobhan is a VP of Product Management, working with users to boost the quality of their customer interactions. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, Sci-Fi and spy stories and trying to win the elusive “Cool Aunt” crown.

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