How Unity 3D decreased average handle time and increased CSAT scores

Unity 3D is a global software development company that offers a real-time 3D development platform to enable artists, designers, and developers to work collaboratively to create interactive experiences. They’ve experienced tremendous growth and a demand causing a surge in surge in contact center inquiries. They needed an alternative to their time-consuming and manual QA process.

How Unity 3D Decreased Average Handle Time and Increased CSAT Scores


  • Time-consuming and manual QA process.
  • New surge in contact center inquiries.
  • Time to resolve support inquiries needed major improvement.


  • Unity 3D chose the Playvox Quality and implemented Evaluations, Scorecards, and Roles Management features.


  • Average handle time for chats decreased from 12-14 minutes to 10 minutes.
  • CSAT scores increased from 88 to 92.
  • Agent QA score improved 2%.


With increased use of their software development platform, Unity 3D experienced a surge in contact center inquiries. They operate a three-tiered system of customer support with inquiries by email, web forms, and live chat. The first tier is tasked with resolving non-technical issues related to purchasing, licenses, and account management. The next two levels of support are technical, requiring more time and a personalized level of service. For the teams managing higher support levels, their tickets are complex and detailed. The current manual QA process was ineffective and took an enormous amount of time.

Unity 3D conducted regular customer satisfaction surveys, and one area of negative feedback was the time it took to solve some support issues. The more complicated support tickets would take as long as two months to resolve. Unity 3D used a simple spreadsheet in Google Sheets that was a time-intensive and manual process. “One challenge is how long our tier three support takes. As we are growing, our user base is growing even faster,” said Angie Cantwell, Head of Customer Service. “We’re KPI driven, and we wanted to reduce our response times, like first response time in tickets, and increase satisfaction. The last one is always the big one.”

Unity 3D realized they needed to gain a better understanding of the topics that were driving customer support tickets. With better insights, they could be more prepared and ultimately offer a higher level of customer care.


The team at Unity 3D determined that it was necessary to improve their service and support process due to the pace of their growth. After trying their own QA system and others, they chose the Playvox Quality and implemented evaluations, scorecards, and roles management features. Their goal was to streamline reporting and implement a quality assurance solution that regional managers could leverage to offer useful feedback to customer support agents. “We chose Playvox because it is highly visual and has everything in one place. The automated notifications and charts make it easy to evaluate our QA process,” said Angie Cantwell.

The ability to customize scorecards was important to Unity 3D. They decided to categorize and redefine their QA questions for chat and email into separate scorecards. They originally had a set of ten questions but that created too much information for agents to absorb. “We’ve now set it up with five topical questions around areas we want to measure,” said Cantwell. “In the past, we measured different facets of these topics in granular detail, but it made the results hard to take in and less impactful.” Customizable scorecards were important to Unity 3D to ensure the ease of reporting.

How Unity 3D Decreased Average Handle Time and Increased CSAT Scores


Since implementing Playvox in March of 2020, Unity 3D is already seeing substantial improvements in their QA process and customer support operations. “What the team likes most is that they get a notification once someone has completed a QA on one of their tickets or chats. They immediately see the score and chart. They love that visual,” said Cantwell. In addition, the support agents are getting comments from their manager in the Playvox system.

In the past, there was a very cumbersome process with screenshots taken and comments posted to Slack. The comments section in Playvox keeps them from going back and forth between screens and helps to give targeted feedback by highlighting any part of the interaction. Analysts can leave feedback per question, per section, or create a conversation where they can provide detail to the agent.

According to Cantwell, the team appreciates tracking their progress through their agent dashboards as it makes them better prepared for one-to-one meetings with their managers. For managers, there has been a sizable reduction in time spent scoring the agent and it’s now roughly 5 minutes of their time. “That time can definitely add up, but it would be much more time consuming without Playvox,” said Cantwell.

Within a few months of using Playvox QA, Unity 3D has reported success in automating their QA process and improvements in several key performance areas. Their average handle time on chats has dropped from a range of twelve to fourteen minutes to ten minutes. Additionally, support agent QA scores have gone up by two percent and customer satisfaction scores have increased from eighty-eight to ninety-two. Both managers and agents appreciate the time savings and clarity of information using Playvox. While the results are preliminary, Unity 3D is optimistic about even greater results with Playvox moving forward.

“We chose Playvox because it is highly visual and has everything in one place. The automated notifications and charts make it easy to evaluate our QA process.”

– Angie Cantwell, Head of Customer Service

How Unity 3D Decreased Average Handle Time and Increased CSAT Scores

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