How to Effectively Manage a Hybrid Work Environment for Customer Service Agents

As contact centers around the globe firmly establish best practices in the new normal, contact center success and efficiency has never mattered more — and hybrid work environments are more common than ever. A hybrid work environment for customer service teams can have unique challenges and obstacles. But by providing customer service agents with the right tools and training, a hybrid work environment is not only possible, but highly conducive to success for contact center efficiency. From virtual management to team engagement and everything in between, explore what you need to know.

How to Effectively Manage a Hybrid Work Environment for Customer Service Agents

What’s Inside

  • How the right technology can drive hybrid contact center success
  • Tips for virtual training and oversight
  • Maintaining personal connection through a virtual setting
  • The basics of gamification and how it can help hybrid work environments operate efficiently
  • CX team questions and takeaways