
Migrating WFM Excel Spreadsheets to a Modern WFM

Tuesday, June 13 at 11:00 AM EST

Embracing change can be difficult. Often, change is resisted even when it will enhance our job and/or make it easier. We create justifications for our resistance, and over time, they can become accepted reasons without further discussion or analysis.

Automation is designed to make our jobs less tedious and to do the ‘heavy lifting’ of repetitive, cumbersome and timely tasks. Find out more about how WFM can enhance your CX and EX and give you the time to do essential analysis of your contact center as opposed to trying to obtain and produce the data.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to identify the ideal customer profile
  • The pros and cons of spreadsheets
  • The benefits, value, and bigger picture of WFM

Your Hosts:

Migrating WFM Excel Spreadsheets to a Modern WFM

Nikki Quinn

Senior Solutions Consultant

Migrating WFM Excel Spreadsheets to a Modern WFM

Chelsea Rice

Account Executive

Join the Webinar!

Join us live on Tuesday, June 13 at 11:00 AM EST. If you can’t make it at that time, be sure to register so we can send you the full webinar recording.

Migrating WFM Excel Spreadsheets to a Modern WFM
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