Multichannel vs Omnichannel Support: Mastering the Transition

Multichannel vs Omnichannel Support: Mastering the Transition

Working in the contact center space, you likely hear multichannel vs omnichannel thrown around a lot. Though there are similarities between the two—they both obviously have to do with the channels you use to engage with your customers—they are distinct.  Most industry leaders agree that multichannel is becoming obsolete and that omnichannel is the future….

Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work in Contact Centers

Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work in Contact Centers

In recent years, the contact center industry has undergone a significant transformation, with remote work becoming increasingly prevalent. A recent Gallup survey found that 8 in 10 people are currently working remotely or in hybrid environments. While this shift offers numerous benefits, including greater flexibility and access to a wider talent pool, it also presents…

How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

Customer service technology that delivers measurable, positive results starts with people—not technology.   According to Gartner research published in the Harvard Business Review, optimizing customer experience (CX) is not about shiny, over-the-top digital capabilities or automation alone. For customer service technology to truly move the needle, it must bridge technology and human-to-human connections—connections that begin and…

Timely Customer Service: 7 Tips To Get It Right

Timely Customer Service: 7 Tips To Get It Right

To say that today’s world is “fast-paced” would be an understatement. Whether they’re accessing instant streaming content, same-day delivery, or real-time social media updates, consumers these days expect immediate gratification. The same thing can be said about timely customer service. Speedy customer support is no longer nice to have — it’s table stakes.  In this…

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Contact centers are the cornerstone of your company’s customer service experience. Yet, help desk, support staff, and contact center agent retention remains a serious and unresolved challenge for many organizations.  According to Gartner, high levels of disengagement lead to increased costs, as well as poor employee and customer outcomes. The research finds that disengaged representatives…

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Is your contact center a leader or follower when it comes to innovating agent experience? Think about the definition of innovation, then ask, “How does my contact center and leadership stack up?” Innovation is defined as “the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and…

Boosting Contact Center Efficiency Through Agent Empowerment

Boosting Contact Center Efficiency Through Agent Empowerment

In a Deloitte survey, contact center leaders named customer experience (CX) and cost control as the top strategic priorities. These two terms may seem incongruent – how can you deliver outstanding CX while controlling costs?  The answer lies in agent empowerment. By focusing on employee engagement and agent empowerment, you create contact center efficiencies and,…

The Real Cost of Employee Turnover in a Contact Center

The Real Cost of Employee Turnover in a Contact Center

The struggle is real:  Finding ways to boost agent engagement and retention with your most talented team members is crucial not only to the bottom line, but to delivering outstanding customer experience (CX).  As a contact center leader, it’s advantageous to understand the real cost of employee turnover, and, more importantly, make it a strategic…

Navigating the Future of Healthcare: The Tech-Powered Patient Journey

Navigating the Future of Healthcare: The Tech-Powered Patient Journey

In the smart city of the future, you can book medical appointments through your phone virtual assistant. You will have a series of monitoring tools at home, and technology will help predict any situation that requires urgent medical attention. With monitoring tools, you will keep track of the medication supply you need daily and receive…

Automated Quality Management: More Than Just Scoring

Automated Quality Management: More Than Just Scoring

AI has been quietly knocking on contact center doors for years. But in 2023, with the thunderous buzz around ChatGPT and generative AI, the call finally became impossible to ignore. Today, AI is solidly inside every top-performing contact center—everything from automated quality management to virtual agents. For customer experience (CX) leaders, the question is no…