How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

Customer service technology that delivers measurable, positive results starts with people—not technology.   According to Gartner research published in the Harvard Business Review, optimizing customer experience (CX) is not about shiny, over-the-top digital capabilities or automation alone. For customer service technology to truly move the needle, it must bridge technology and human-to-human connections—connections that begin and…

The Power of Human Connection in Digital Customer Service

The Power of Human Connection in Digital Customer Service

Consumers prefer to go digital in just about every aspect of their lives, including their business and brand interactions. That’s why companies are increasingly investing in digital transformation to serve consumers, meet their expectations, and stay competitive. But what exactly does digital customer service entail, and how can you make it truly effective? In this…

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Contact centers are the cornerstone of your company’s customer service experience. Yet, help desk, support staff, and contact center agent retention remains a serious and unresolved challenge for many organizations.  According to Gartner, high levels of disengagement lead to increased costs, as well as poor employee and customer outcomes. The research finds that disengaged representatives…

Automated Quality Management: More Than Just Scoring

Automated Quality Management: More Than Just Scoring

AI has been quietly knocking on contact center doors for years. But in 2023, with the thunderous buzz around ChatGPT and generative AI, the call finally became impossible to ignore. Today, AI is solidly inside every top-performing contact center—everything from automated quality management to virtual agents. For customer experience (CX) leaders, the question is no…

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

One thing that’s certain is change. This definitely applies to customer needs and preferences, and contact centers are constantly striving to stay one step ahead of evolving customer requirements. A desire for instant-access self-service options is shifting how customers want to engage. Yet, should they need help with more complex issues, a knowledgeable, responsive agent…

The Future of Customer Service: AI and Human Collaboration

The Future of Customer Service: AI and Human Collaboration

Unless you’ve been under a proverbial rock, you’ve heard and seen a massive amount of change in customer service — particularly in the past year. Many are pronouncing that there is no greater revolution in customer care than what’s happening right now. Directors and managers of call centers are likely getting questioned by peers in…

Evolution of Quality Management: From Compliance to Customer-Centric

Evolution of Quality Management: From Compliance to Customer-Centric

Ask people to name three companies known for their customer-centric approach to business, and there’s a good chance some common names will surface: Nordstrom, Apple, Trader Joe’s, Patagonia, and others frequently come to mind. What do they have in common? What’s their secret? They make customers the center of their business strategy, execute on delivering…

Decoding Customer Sentiment: Beyond Traditional KPIs

Decoding Customer Sentiment: Beyond Traditional KPIs

Your customers are talking, and they have a lot to say. As a contact center leader, there’s no question you’re at the heart of the conversation. But do you know how your customers really feel about your brand, products, services, and support? If you’re not analyzing customer sentiment, you’re only getting part of the story. …

How to Use Customer Sentiment Analysis to Grow Your Business

How to Use Customer Sentiment Analysis to Grow Your Business

In face-to-face interactions with customers, you have the advantage of observing eye contact, tone of voice, body language, and other cues that go along with their spoken words. But when you move to a world of digital or omnichannel customer support, the human language element goes away and it becomes much more difficult to gauge…