The Role of Real-Time Data in Workforce Management

The Role of Real-Time Data in Workforce Management

Maximizing workforce management efficiency through real-time data is an often-overlooked advantage for contact centers. With real-time information, you can make crucial intraday adjustments that improve your efficiency and your customer experience.  There are several roles within the workforce management space, and each one is important in its own way. Making sure you fill these key…

What is Customer Sentiment Analysis — and Why is it Important?

What is Customer Sentiment Analysis — and Why is it Important?

Words matter, but language is complex and often left to interpretation. That’s especially true in your contact center, where millions of customer interactions across dozens of platforms can leave you overwhelmed by information and unable to act on what you hear from your customers.  The rise in conversational commerce — chat interactions on a variety…

Bad Customer Service Examples (And How to Fix Them)

Bad Customer Service Examples (And How to Fix Them)

We all know them. The bad customer service examples that evoke PTSD like they happened yesterday. That time when you were accidentally disconnected five times only to have to start fresh in the queue each time. The rude employee in the drive through who messed up your order and blamed you. Being transferred to agent…

10 Call Center Coaching Tools to Boost Agent Performance

10 Call Center Coaching Tools to Boost Agent Performance

When you dive into looking at ways you can improve customer service, the first areas you need to examine are ways to improve the effectiveness of your team as engaged and motivated agents are much more likely to deliver outstanding customer experiences. That’s why you need to employ call center coaching tools to help keep…

Measure Agent Performance With These 10 Best Metrics

Measure Agent Performance With These 10 Best Metrics

When you’re a contact center leader, you have plenty of daily decisions to make related to agent performance—choices that directly impact your organization’s bottom line. Not having a handle on contact center agent performance metrics, overall operational performance, and customer sentiment is not an option for you. In fact, without the means to clearly measure…

How to Handle the Top 10 Customer Service Complaints

How to Handle the Top 10 Customer Service Complaints

Customers today have higher expectations than ever. And customers with complaints reach twice as many people as customers who are satisfied. Especially with social media, it only takes a few minutes for unhappy customers to air their grievances and share negative feedback with thousands of people. In a Forbes survey, more than 1,000 consumers were…