Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work in Contact Centers

Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work in Contact Centers

In recent years, the contact center industry has undergone a significant transformation, with remote work becoming increasingly prevalent. A recent Gallup survey found that 8 in 10 people are currently working remotely or in hybrid environments. While this shift offers numerous benefits, including greater flexibility and access to a wider talent pool, it also presents…

How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

How Customer Service Technology Is Shaping Agent Experiences

Customer service technology that delivers measurable, positive results starts with people—not technology.   According to Gartner research published in the Harvard Business Review, optimizing customer experience (CX) is not about shiny, over-the-top digital capabilities or automation alone. For customer service technology to truly move the needle, it must bridge technology and human-to-human connections—connections that begin and…

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Contact centers are the cornerstone of your company’s customer service experience. Yet, help desk, support staff, and contact center agent retention remains a serious and unresolved challenge for many organizations.  According to Gartner, high levels of disengagement lead to increased costs, as well as poor employee and customer outcomes. The research finds that disengaged representatives…

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Is your contact center a leader or follower when it comes to innovating agent experience? Think about the definition of innovation, then ask, “How does my contact center and leadership stack up?” Innovation is defined as “the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and…

Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Contact Centers

Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Contact Centers

The future of work is an important topic of discussion for business leaders. While we can’t know for sure what the future of work will look like, one thing seems certain—flexible work is a major component in achieving satisfaction among the modern workforce.  Since the COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes toward ongoing remote, hybrid, and flexible work…

Driving Change: The Impact of Women in the Workplace

Driving Change: The Impact of Women in the Workplace

March 8th is International Women’s Day and represents a day of reflection, recognition, and celebration for women. On this day, we discuss efforts and struggles to overcome cultural barriers, reflect on how to work for equality, support women in the workplace, and recall the importance of human rights. It is a date of historical significance…

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

One thing that’s certain is change. This definitely applies to customer needs and preferences, and contact centers are constantly striving to stay one step ahead of evolving customer requirements. A desire for instant-access self-service options is shifting how customers want to engage. Yet, should they need help with more complex issues, a knowledgeable, responsive agent…

Adapting To A Global Workforce: Managing Remote Teams Effectively

Adapting To A Global Workforce: Managing Remote Teams Effectively

While the pandemic may seem distant in some of our minds, one shift remains prevalent long after it became safe to go back to offices — the need and desire to work remotely. Not only do contact center agents want additional flexibility in their work schedules, but many leaders saw that agents did not need…

AI In Quality Management: A Game Changer For Contact Centers

AI In Quality Management: A Game Changer For Contact Centers

Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated many aspects of our work and personal lives. From driving assistance to data analysis to chatbots, generative AI (GenAI) is finding its usefulness in a host of ways across all industries. One of the most impactful uses is how AI is transforming customer experience (CX). Advances in technology allow contact…

The Role Of Employee Self-Service In Workforce Management

The Role Of Employee Self-Service In Workforce Management

When thinking about workforce management (WFM), often people think of forecasting and scheduling. However, some of the quickest ROI can come from the employee self-service (ESS) aspects of a WFM solution. Much of a team leader’s time is taken away from their key role of providing coaching and development to their people when they have…