Why Contact Center Agents Leave and How to Keep Them

Why Contact Center Agents Leave and How to Keep Them

Contact center agent turnover rates across the industry continue to clock in between 30 and 45 percent annually, with no signs of improvement. For businesses, this revolving door creates significant efficiency, productivity, and financial challenges, not to mention the day-to-day impact on morale.  The simple fact is that hiring and training new agents costs more…

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

The Role of AI in Streamlining Quality Management Processes

One thing that’s certain is change. This definitely applies to customer needs and preferences, and contact centers are constantly striving to stay one step ahead of evolving customer requirements. A desire for instant-access self-service options is shifting how customers want to engage. Yet, should they need help with more complex issues, a knowledgeable, responsive agent…

The Future Of Workforce Engagement: How To Integrate AI

The Future Of Workforce Engagement: How To Integrate AI

The term “buyer’s market” is best known for describing the state of the real estate market, but it’s also applicable to contact centers. In a buyer’s market, customers have choices and can take their business elsewhere should they receive less-than-optimal products, service, and support. Likewise for agents, if they don’t feel engaged, appreciated, or see…

AI In Quality Management: A Game Changer For Contact Centers

AI In Quality Management: A Game Changer For Contact Centers

Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated many aspects of our work and personal lives. From driving assistance to data analysis to chatbots, generative AI (GenAI) is finding its usefulness in a host of ways across all industries. One of the most impactful uses is how AI is transforming customer experience (CX). Advances in technology allow contact…

Evolution of Quality Management: From Compliance to Customer-Centric

Evolution of Quality Management: From Compliance to Customer-Centric

Ask people to name three companies known for their customer-centric approach to business, and there’s a good chance some common names will surface: Nordstrom, Apple, Trader Joe’s, Patagonia, and others frequently come to mind. What do they have in common? What’s their secret? They make customers the center of their business strategy, execute on delivering…

How to Use Customer Sentiment Analysis to Grow Your Business

How to Use Customer Sentiment Analysis to Grow Your Business

In face-to-face interactions with customers, you have the advantage of observing eye contact, tone of voice, body language, and other cues that go along with their spoken words. But when you move to a world of digital or omnichannel customer support, the human language element goes away and it becomes much more difficult to gauge…

5 Ways AI and Automation Can Improve Your QM Processes

5 Ways AI and Automation Can Improve Your QM Processes

You can’t go a day (or maybe even an hour) without stumbling across the term “artificial intelligence” or “AI.” Across all industries and in our personal lives, AI is coming into its own as a tool to increase efficiency, automate tasks, and reduce costs. But how do AI and automation technologies actually help make your…

How to Sell to a CFO: 7 Proven Tips for Contact Center Leaders

How to Sell to a CFO: 7 Proven Tips for Contact Center Leaders

In challenging economic times, organizations need to get creative and pragmatic with cost cutting, expenditures, and revenue generation. As “do more with less” becomes a familiar mantra, contact center leaders are challenged to convince C-suite executives, and especially chief financial officers (CFOs), that not only is it mission critical to deliver outstanding customer experiences (CX),…