Measure Agent Performance With These 10 Best Metrics

Measure Agent Performance With These 10 Best Metrics

When you’re a contact center leader, you have plenty of daily decisions to make related to agent performance—choices that directly impact your organization’s bottom line. Not having a handle on contact center agent performance metrics, overall operational performance, and customer sentiment is not an option for you. In fact, without the means to clearly measure…

6 Mistakes Hurting Your First Contact Resolution Metrics — And How To Solve Them

6 Mistakes Hurting Your First Contact Resolution Metrics — And How To Solve Them

Wondering how to measure your First Contact Resolution metric and what it means for your contact center? First Contact Resolution (FCR) is a crucial key performance indicator (KPI) for establishing customer satisfaction and operational performance. Alongside Net Promoter Score, First Contact Resolution metrics reveal how effectively your customer service agents are resolving clients’ issues the…

6 Great Customer Experience Examples You Can Easily Implement in Your Contact Center

6 Great Customer Experience Examples You Can Easily Implement in Your Contact Center

Customer experience is a top differentiation metric for companies today. A great customer experience is important for the sustained growth of any business or brand. It promotes customer loyalty, helps retain current customers, and encourages brand advocacy.  According to a recent Trustpilot study, “A totally satisfied customer contributes 2.6 times as much revenue as a…

How to Handle the Top 10 Customer Service Complaints

How to Handle the Top 10 Customer Service Complaints

Customers today have higher expectations than ever. And customers with complaints reach twice as many people as customers who are satisfied. Especially with social media, it only takes a few minutes for unhappy customers to air their grievances and share negative feedback with thousands of people. In a Forbes survey, more than 1,000 consumers were…

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Delivering outstanding customer care and experiences is a number-one priority for many C-suite executives and business leaders. But finding and retaining outstanding agents, creating operational efficiencies, and implementing omnichannel technology solutions requires a high-wire balancing act for contact center leaders. Before you throw your arms up in despair (and don’t look down!), we’ve curated six…

6 Strategies To Improve First Contact Resolution

6 Strategies To Improve First Contact Resolution

Customers who repeatedly contact agents for help can cost you — and more than just money. Your contact center agents lose time to repeated contacts, and you’ll risk a decrease in customer satisfaction, too. Companies and contact center agents must implement First Contact Resolution (FCR) strategies. Improve your FCR rate by learning what it is,…