The Role Of Employee Self-Service In Workforce Management

The Role Of Employee Self-Service In Workforce Management

When thinking about workforce management (WFM), often people think of forecasting and scheduling. However, some of the quickest ROI can come from the employee self-service (ESS) aspects of a WFM solution. Much of a team leader’s time is taken away from their key role of providing coaching and development to their people when they have…

Top Call Center Efficiency Metrics And How To Improve Them

Top Call Center Efficiency Metrics And How To Improve Them

Tracking, reporting, and improving upon metrics are essential across all areas of business, including finance, sales, marketing, and contact center management. In uncertain economic times, they become even more critical to help navigate business health and growth.Call center leaders are under increased pressure to improve operational and agent efficiencies and look for cost-cutting opportunities while…

How to Sell to a CFO: 7 Proven Tips for Contact Center Leaders

How to Sell to a CFO: 7 Proven Tips for Contact Center Leaders

In challenging economic times, organizations need to get creative and pragmatic with cost cutting, expenditures, and revenue generation. As “do more with less” becomes a familiar mantra, contact center leaders are challenged to convince C-suite executives, and especially chief financial officers (CFOs), that not only is it mission critical to deliver outstanding customer experiences (CX),…

Why A Digital Contact Center Is Essential for Meeting Today’s Customer Expectations

Why A Digital Contact Center Is Essential for Meeting Today’s Customer Expectations

When I lived in Colombia, it seemed as if there were fruit stands on every corner. Some fruit sellers would even balance bags of fruit on sticks, running between cars to hawk their harvest. Piña (pineapple)! Tomate de árbol (tree tomato)! And my favorite, maracuya (passionfruit)! There were so many choices, but I always went…

The Top 4 Contact Center Trends To Boost Performance And CX

The Top 4 Contact Center Trends To Boost Performance And CX

Contact center trends can directly impact success. But in an industry — and world — evolving at lightning speed, it’s harder than ever to keep up and to know which ones matter most. For the greatest impact and a clear competitive edge, contact center leaders must choose wisely when making business decisions about the trends…

How to Deliver An Outstanding Omnichannel Customer Experience

How to Deliver An Outstanding Omnichannel Customer Experience

Customer service has gone digital — and your contact center needs to evolve with the times. As younger customers make up more and more of the marketplace, they’re shifting service preferences toward digital channels.  No matter where your customers get service, they’ll expect outstanding customer experience (CX), so you’ll have to be ready. Make sure…

5 Strategies For Increasing Contact Center Performance

5 Strategies For Increasing Contact Center Performance

Running a smooth and efficient contact center can feel like the ultimate struggle, but don’t worry, you’re not alone. Providing noteworthy customer experiences is a top priority for any business, and a well-run help desk, support center, or customer service center is the key to improving contact center performance.  Research from Playvox shows us that…

Do More With Zendesk By Supercharging Your Tagging

Do More With Zendesk By Supercharging Your Tagging

Zendesk is an extremely powerful platform, but sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what people are talking about in your tickets, especially if you have hundreds of them — or even hundreds of thousands. Tagging lets you make sense of all that incoming information and take action for your customers. Whether you go…