Top Call Center Efficiency Metrics And How To Improve Them

Top Call Center Efficiency Metrics And How To Improve Them

Tracking, reporting, and improving upon metrics are essential across all areas of business, including finance, sales, marketing, and contact center management. In uncertain economic times, they become even more critical to help navigate business health and growth.Call center leaders are under increased pressure to improve operational and agent efficiencies and look for cost-cutting opportunities while…

Protecting Your Contact Center Agents’ Emotional Well-Being

Protecting Your Contact Center Agents’ Emotional Well-Being

Every workplace has its pros and cons, but contact center agents have one of the toughest jobs out there. They’re protecting and building your company’s brand — no matter what they have to deal with from customers.  Just like agents are protecting your company, contact center leaders and managers need to protect them and their…

5 Strategies For Increasing Contact Center Performance

5 Strategies For Increasing Contact Center Performance

Running a smooth and efficient contact center can feel like the ultimate struggle, but don’t worry, you’re not alone. Providing noteworthy customer experiences is a top priority for any business, and a well-run help desk, support center, or customer service center is the key to improving contact center performance.  Research from Playvox shows us that…

How To Preserve Your Contact Center QM Budget

How To Preserve Your Contact Center QM Budget

With corporate budgets tightening, contact center leaders might be tempted to cut into your quality management funding.  But quality management is a vital area of your business — it’s what ensures your customers get top-notch service. If they don’t get it, they’re likely to move on, costing your business money in the long run.  A…

Make Every Agent Your Best Agent With WFM — Even Remotely

Make Every Agent Your Best Agent With WFM — Even Remotely

Agent performance optimization isn’t a new challenge for CX leaders. Post-pandemic, distributed workforces operating in remote and hybrid environments, though, have made getting the most out of your teams a lot more complicated—and important. Add uncertain economic conditions to the mix, and the need for maximum employee output is acute. The most successful contact centers strike…

Best Contact Center Software for Remote Workers

Best Contact Center Software for Remote Workers

Working with virtual teams of agents in your contact center can sometimes mean you feel disconnected from them — or even worried that you aren’t able to properly manage their performance.  Those concerns might be why almost half of the contact center leaders in our 2022 remote work research study told us that they’re bringing…

How to Control Call Avoidance and Interaction Avoidance

How to Control Call Avoidance and Interaction Avoidance

During my career in workforce management, call avoidance was always an issue — regardless of the location of the business, the nature of the business, or the location of the agent.  Call avoidance, now known as interaction avoidance, denotes the steps an agent takes to avoid handling a customer interaction.  It can take time and…

Five Coaching Tips For Contact Center Agents that Work

Five Coaching Tips For Contact Center Agents that Work

Coaching your contact center agents on their performance can either fill everyone with dread or be a productive activity that you and your agents look forward to. Either way, it needs to be done, and arming yourself with a full set of coaching tips for contact center agents will ensure the sessions are productive. Agent…

Big Changes Need Big Data 

Big Changes Need Big Data 

On June 1, 2021, SoFi became a publicly-traded company on the Nasdaq Global Market (Nasdaq). Just over six months later, on January 18, 2022, SoFi was granted a national bank charter. This period of high-stakes decisions and operational scrutiny required a clear and accurate view into many things, including SoFi’s Member Service Teams quality assurance…

5 Ways to Use Workforce Planning for Gold Standard Service

5 Ways to Use Workforce Planning for Gold Standard Service

We all can quickly recall examples of when we’ve received gold-star service — and at the opposite end of the spectrum — when service has been disappointing. For example, think of how an amazing restaurant experience combines well-prepared, tasty food with promptness, friendliness, and food-oriented knowledge. Then think of an example when you’ve been stuck…